Saturday, 7 June 2014

Night time Routine

Taking your make up off is a big part of taking care of your skin, espisially if you're using liquid foundation as if the product is not removed properly then this will cause the skin to take 3 days to repair, never mind this build up of dead skin and foundation in your pore causing spots (yuk who wants that!). Well here i am, showing you how you can take your make up of on a budget. 

Step 1:
First you are going to use the Ultrabland, and put a generous amount on your skin and massage it in, when your done thats and you can see that all your foundation is mixed in with your cleaners take some damp cotton pad and take it off, of use a wet flannel, i use the wet flannel because its less hassle and it removes all the cleanser off properly.
Step 2:
Dry your face, and spray and generous amount of the tea tree toner onto a cotton pad (or how much you want to use) i use quite a lot just so i feel satisfied that its got all in, but thats personal choice. Wipe the cotton pad all over your face a neck going through all the nut and cranny to get all your make up out of your pores. After iv done this i just spray my face with it and let it dry. 
Step 3:
We now move onto the Grease lightning, i use this all over my fore head due to thats where i tend to get spots over night and ialso apply it to where i have spots or feel one coming through. You only need a tiny amount on your finger and a very thin layer. With this product the saying "i little is a lot' come to mind. I only use the product at night never in the morning.
Step 4:
This is the mist, after everything is dry and settle just spray your face where ever you like, totally up to you. This is going to make your skin hydrated but not going to rub of or interfere with your other products. 

And there your done, i hope this blog has help people with spot and on a budget, let me know if you've tried anything or find product that work for you, i'd love to know! 


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