Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Introduction to my blog

Well as you all may know I am very new to this sort of stuff, I am exited to how my blog will be turning out over these upcoming weeks as i start to get the hang of things with the layout and stuff (as im not very exeprience and dont particularly  know how to do stuff!!) but all is not lost because I have a few things I would like to express on my blog. 

The main catagories of this will be beauty, fashion and make up and some times posts about my family and obviouslt cannot miss out posts about my beautiful pony Star.

If you would like to know abit more about me you can read the "about me" link which will tell you abit more about who i am and what sort of stuff im interested in. So there we go a little introduction to my blog and i hope you all have fun reading my upcoming blogs to be! 

Lots of love 
Fran xo